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2013 Florida Plunge Holiday Scavenger Hunt


Published December 1, 2013 by Scott Parker

I’m excited to announce the 1st Annual FLORIDA PLUNGE HOLIDAY SCAVENGER HUNT.  This years event will begin today, December 1st and end on December 25th.  So you are probably asking HOW DO I PLAY?  It’s easy!

I will provide a challenge each Sunday and Wednesday, until the week of Christmas when the challenges will then be daily.  Each challenge will have a points value and you will have the ability to earn bonus points in each challenge as well.

The first challenge will be posted at 12PM EST TODAY, December 1st.

To participate, I will need your first and last name so that I can track your points.  You can sign up a few different ways. 1.  Leave a comment on this post with your first /last name stating you’d like to participate. 2.  Visit my facebook page, Taking the Florida Plunge, and sign up there. 3.  Tweet a message to @FloridaPlunge, include #FPHSH stating you’d like to participate.

Did you just ask if there’s a prize?  YES!  There will be a prize, but that’s a Holiday Secret!


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