It seems that my Florida Plunge has included a lot of firsts. This was our first time to move out of the state as a family, our first time to live in Florida, my first time to write a blog and now, my first time to attend the Florida Blogger & Social Media Conference. If you happened to be on Twitter this past Saturday, you may have noticed that we were trending. If you did not, check out twitter search #FlBlogCon13 and see everything you missed, as I’m only 1 voice of several 100 that were in attendance.
This was the 3rd annual Florida Bloggers Conference. For those that don’t know, this conference is a one-day gathering of the biggest bloggers and social media experts in Florida. This years event was held at the magnificent Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL. This was perfect for me, as this is where I live. It also meant I had very little chance of getting lost since I’m still learning my way around.
As I arrived to the Florida Bloggers Conference I had no idea what to expect and as I entered the main arena, I was like Whoa, this is going to be HUGE! I was truly blown away with what I was seeing. This Full Sail arena was amazing and complete state of the art was everywhere I looked. As intimidated as I felt when I saw the empty space, I was in total awe when I saw it filled with all of the talented bloggers and social media experts.
As the conference started, my confidence level rose and I knew that this is where I was suppose to be. As the bloggers conference continued I continually thought of you and could not wait to share this experience with you. With all that said, In no particular order I’m going to share with you my Top 5 Take Away items from this years Florida Bloggers & Social Media Conference.
{Drum Roll Please]
I had the pleasure of hearing Lou Mongello speak after listening to him on WDW Radio for years. Lou spoke about how he thought of me, yes ME, as his friend. OK, not just me, but ALL of his listeners and readers. Later in the day, Lou and I were standing in line for a beverage and I introduced myself to Lou and told him that I met him very briefly at a meetup 3 years ago. Lou was so humble in his response and though I know he’s met many before and after that date, I felt like we were really friends. It takes a special person to do that and I hope that I convey those same feelings. I want everyone reading this to know that I too think of you as a friend. Not a follower, not a “like” and though we may joke about it on Facebook and Twitter, not a Plunger either. You are my friends and I truly appreciate you.
Thanks to Clayton Pritchard, I am no longer afraid of Google + – Enough Said!
It is OK to SUPPORT one another. It’s not a numbers game. During breaks, I loved taking advantage of the knowledge that surround me. So many bloggers brains to picks and so little time!
It is confirmed, I need a 12 step program for my addiction to cupcakes. When we left Texas and took the plunge in Florida, one thing I missed most was my sweet spot bakery just a mile from my house. At this conference I was introduced to Gigi’s Cucpcakes of Orlando. Yes, I ate more than 1 and even brought some home. Oh and did I mention, they are very close to my house! I foresee cupcakes for lunch one day!
Hearing Basketball Hall-of-Famer, Co-Founder of the Orlando Magic and author of The Difference You Make, Pat Williams, speak was truly a highlight. As an adoptive Dad, I have always felt connection with his messages. As my Grandma would say, Mr Williams took us to church. Mr Williams offered 10 points that we should all be living by and I would like to share them with you here.
Think the right kind of thoughts.
Say the right kind of words.
Be specific in goal setting.
You are responsible for your attitude
Seek out the right kind of friends
Take your hurt, pain and disappointments and turn them into your strengths.
Go the 2nd mile – do twice what is expected of you
Never Give Up
Character counts – humility is a great quality
Live your life by the Faith Phenomenon
It was definitely a full day and I cannot wait until next year! I’d like to give a shout out to Bess Auer and the gang for all the work you put in to this years event. It was impressive and I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve for next year!