Published March 28, 2014 by Florida Plunge
The new Disney Vacation Club at the Polynesian Resort is coming along nicely. Check out the great looking bungalows!
Check out the roof of the bungalow…notice anything? It matches the other Longhouses within the Polynesian.
I don’t know about you, but I am so excited to stay in one of these bungalows! Oh and one last photo…as I was leaving the Polynesian I checked out the parking lot. Lots of work going on there as well.

This is the remodeled parking area directly in front of the Polynesian entrance. I like the nice sidewalks. It looks like more room for sure.
Ready or not Polynesian fans…the new Disney Vacation Club is on its way! Don’t miss a single update, click “Follow” and get the latest updates from Taking the Florida Plunge!
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