My family and I relocated to Orlando just over a year ago. At the time of our move, I created a Florida Plunge List. You know, a bucket list of sorts. This list, however, is unique in that it is a growing list of things I’d like to see and do in this great state we call home, FLORIDA!
I’ve now been working on this list for a year and I’ve learned a lot about myself and my dreams. I’ve learned that if you put something out in the Universe, many times your dreams will come true 10 fold. Example. One thing I wanted to make sure I did after relocating to Orlando was experience Magic Kingdom Rope Drop as locals. Simple enough, right? Well who would of thought that I would have ever been selected as part of Walt Disney World’s Limited Time Magic and get to actually ride the train with cast members and characters and celebrate the park opening with them, while waving at the crowd down below.
One of the items on my Florida Plunge List is to view a launch. This has always been a dream of mine after Kennedy Space Center with my wife and kids in 2012. When I put “view a launch” on my list, in my mind I was thinking drive down the the coast and watch. In my heart, I dreamed of being up close to the action. Well this week, I’m happy to announce that another dream on my Florida Plunge List will soon come true and I can’t wait to take you on this journey. This weekend I received confirmation that I was selected to receive special media credentials to attend the NASA media events and launch of the SpaceX-4 cargo resupply flight to the International Space Station on Sept. 17, 18 & 19 at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This event will allow me the opportunity to tour NASA facilities at Kennedy Space Center, meet and interact with engineers, technicians, and other team members from Kennedy, view and take photographs of SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on the launch pad, meet fellow space enthusiasts who are active on social media, meet members of NASA’s social media teams, and hopefully view the launch of SpaceX Falcon 9, which is scheduled to lift off at 2:38 a.m. EDT on Sept. 19th.
I want to thank each of you. I honestly don’t believe I would experience many of my dreams if it was not for you. In closing, I think Walt Disney said it best ~ If you can dream it, you can do it.
