Published December 3rd, 2013 by Scott Parker

Thanks to everyone for participating in the Taking the Florida Plunge 1st Annual Florida Plunge Holiday Scavenger Hunt, also known as #FPHSH. Challenge 1 for the Florida Plunge Holiday Scavenger Hunt has come to a close and 9 more challenges remain. Not participating yet? It’s never too late to enter. Send me a note on Facebook or email and I’ll be happy to add you.
GREAT JOB to all those that submitted their photograph entries. There was lots of creativity and I can’t wait to see what you do with future challenges. To those that were not able to complete this challenge, do not fret. It’s early in the hunt and there are lots of points available to be earned! Remember, person with the most points WINS!
Below are pictures of all #FPHSH Challenge 1 entries. It looks like a lot of fun was had completing and that’s what it is all about. You can check your standings in the scavenger hunt here.

#HolidayTradition #Disney #Hunting #Sports #Florida #ReindeerGames #Scavengerhunt #Holiday #TakingtheFloridaPlunge #HolidayYardArt #FloridaPlungeHoliday #ScottParker #Orlando #FPHSH #MickeyEars #ChristmasPicture #MvoingtoOrlando #Christmas #FloridaPlungeHolidayScavengerHunt #SantaClaus #RecreationandSports #Relocating