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Never Give Up, Find A Way

Published October 17th, 2013 by Scott Parker

Last night, Kristi and I watched the ABC special Toy Story of Terror.  It was great to see some of our favorite Disney characters on the small screen.  There were so many funny and scary moments in the show, but this post is not a review of Dinsey’s Toy Story of Terror.  This post is about the message that was in Toy Story of Terror and how it relates to “Taking the Florida Plunge”.

The take away message for me from this creative television special was NEVER GIVE UP, FIND A

WAY!   This message was first shared by Combat Carl to the reluctant Jessie.  Not only did he share these words with her, but he made her say them with conviction. Now you say it….NEVER GIVE UP, FIND A WAY!  I mean really, could that message speak any louder to those that are considering making any type of life change, including relocating to Florida?

Kristi and I had dreamed of living in Florida for almost 18 years.  There were times when I thought it would never happen.  Excuses continued barricade that dream from happening.  Poor job market, not enough money to move ourselves, leaving family in Texas.  Kristi and I, however never gave up on that dream of  Taking the Florida plunge.  Every summer when we would visit Ft Myers Beach, our passion to take the plunge became stronger.  It became more than a dream, it became an action item for us.  We new it would not be easy, but we new we had to find a way and we did.  We have now been here 4 months and we are loving it.  Has it been easy?  No way.  Have we ever questioned our move?  There have been brief moments.  Would I do it again?  In a heart beat!

If you haven’t seen Disney’s Toy Story of Terror, I highly recommend it.  I believe it will air again this weekend, so check your local listings and set your DVR.  In the meantime, I hope you can take the message of Never Give Up, Find A Way and use it to make your dreams come true.


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