A few years ago, my wife gave me a Nikon D3100 DSLR camera. When living in Texas we used the camera mostly for taking pictures of the family, friends and the kids sporting events. I loved my Nikon but definitely felt intimidated by at at times. Let’s just say I loved using it in “Auto” mode.
Well, a few weeks ago, I was going through the blog and I asked myself what could I add to my blog to make it a better experience for you. One of the things that caught my eye was my pictures. Most of the pictures I have used have been taken with m iPhone. Don’t get me wrong, I love my iPhone pictures but I knew I could do better.
It was at that moment that I told myself that for 2015 one resolution would be for me to offer you even more creative photos at a higher quality, but I knew I needed to get back to basics with my Nikon. I contacted my friend Andy at WDW Shutterbug (FYI, Go LIKE his page- it’s AMAZING) and shared with him my New Years Resolution for 2015. Andy was generous enough to join me on this journey and I could not be more excited.
In my excitement, I decided I could not wait until January 1, 2015 to begin this change. I wanted to start immediately. So I did. I took out my Nikon D3100, which has probably not seen daylight in almost 9 months. With Andy’s instruction, I played around with photographing at Magic Kingdom during the parade taping which was lots of fun.
This past evening, Andy joined me at Epcot for my first adventure at photographing fireworks. The experience, for me, was amazing. Each photo that showed on my view finder screen was better than the next and I was getting as excited as a kid in a candy store.
With all that said I want to share with you my first night time shot at EPCOT. I hope you like the pictures and I look forward to your comments.
