Wow! It’s my 1 year Blogiversary! It was one year ago today that I posted my first blog update, Why Florida? Why Not?. I’m still amazed at people when they ask me why I would want to move to Florida. My answer is still the same, WHY NOT!
Yes, the state of Florida has it’s fair share of craziness. We’ve had a man use a tomahawk when attempting to rob 7-Eleven, there was the man who bit the neighbors ear off over a cigarette and let’s not forget the 2012 Miami cannibal attack.
Yet, with all of that Florida is still the place that I choose to call home. I’m serious! Florida has amazing food, gorgeous scenery, a wonderful culture and much, much more. Here are just a few reasons that my family and I choose to call Florida home.
1. The Weather! You have to love state where you can wear Flip Flops year round!
2. We Launch Rockets Into Space!

3. Florida Orange Juice

4. The Cuban Sandwich

5. Key Lime Pie

6. Manatees, Sea Turtles and Dolphins

7. Florida Beaches

8. Sunsets

9. The Florida Keys

10. Florida History

11. Swimming Pools

12. Sea Shells

13. The Florida Everglades

14. Harry Potter and Butter Beer

15. Last, but certainly not least. we have WALT DISNEY WORLD!

I’m not a native Floridian, but I did get here as fast as I could. I could not be happier that our family “Took the Florida Plunge”.
To those of you taking the plunge in the very near future, I can’t wait to meet you. Yes, the process can be scary and stressful, but if you are moving here for all the right reasons that work for you and your family, you will be very very happy.
To those of you that are still in the dreaming phase. I’ve been there. I dreamed of living in Florida for most of my life. Keep dreaming and remember what Walt Disney himself said….All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
To all of you, thanks for making this past year an amazing one. I have enjoyed sharing our families adventures with you and I can not wait to see what this next year brings.
Peace, Love and Magic to all of you and remember, if you have a dream follow it even if it means changing your life.